Continue your Job Search


We all know that the job market has slowed down due to COVID-19 pandemic.  But Hannah Morgan, popular job search expert tells us, “Many tech companies are still actively hiring, trying to fill jobs ASAP. And other companies are still looking to fill critical openings.”

Hannah’s most recent article includes information on:

  • What you can do right now while job searching
  • Mistakes you can avoid
  • Updating your LinkedIn profile and settings
  • Skills to develop and articles on well-being
  • How to enhance your personal brand through video

I know things are tough out there right now, but has it ever paid to give up?  I am working from home right now and my days are still full.  I have reached out and talked to a few people and I have browsed Facebook a few times a day (trying really hard not to waste time), and my observation is that we are all handling this pandemic in so many different ways.

I would like to take this moment to encourage everyone to listen to their instincts – listen to your heart and prioritize what is important each day.  If you need employment right now, spend some time each day on your job search. If you need family, reach out using the many technology methods available today. If I can learn Zoom and Facebook Messenger, you certainly can!  I have had no problem finding things to do.  I am doing things that I have not had time for in the past, but if you are struggling and bored, do some research and look for ideas for a new hobby. Write out some goals of things that you have never found time to do in the past and do them!  How we handle this pandemic is all up to us. We can look at it positively or allow our thoughts to go all negative on us which can lead to depression.  I stumbled across an online course for free the other day!  Thankfully, we can still do research in our own homes these days with a computer or a smart phone.

Don’t let this pandemic get you down. YOU choose how to handle it!

Check out Hannah Morgan’s most recent article at:

Summary Sunday: Overcome Unique Job Search Challenges